Applications for FIE 2023 are now open!

26 •  oct  •  2022

The Fund for the Strengthening of Educational Initiatives (FIE), promoted by the Luksic Foundation’s MueveTP program, will provide between $10 million and $15 million to the winning schools so that they can implement project ideas that boost the expectations and motivations of students in secondary technical-professional education.

Vocational guidance and leadership workshops, visits to higher education institutions, certifications and extracurricular activities focused on promoting better trajectories for students in secondary technical-professional education are part of the projects that can be applied to the 2023 version of the Fund for Strengthening Educational Initiatives (FIE), promoted by the Luksic Foundation’s MueveTP program.

In this new call, the FIE seeks to finance innovative ideas that come from the educational communities themselves and that are aimed at enhancing the motivations and expectations of students in Technical and Vocational Secondary Education (EMTP). With this objective, schools may apply for projects that seek to respond to needs such as:

Extracurricular activities to stimulate and broaden interests and skills.
Reflection instances on projects and life trajectories.
Linkage with the community and visibility of opportunities.
Development of socioemotional competencies.
Access to information for the continuity of studies.
Among others.
“In MueveTP we are convinced that educational communities are capable of proposing the best ideas to address the challenge posed by the FIE 2023.  We are committed to strengthening the motivations and broadening the expectations of young people, because we believe that they are fundamental for the construction of their life projects, a path in which they must be the protagonists,” said the director of the Education area of the Luksic Foundation, María Fernanda Orellana.

How to apply

Schools wishing to apply may do so individually and opt for a maximum funding of $10 million, or collectively with an amount of up to $15 million, depending on the characteristics of the initiative.

This new version recognizes with additional points those projects that incorporate students as part of the project design, as well as those initiatives that have a gender focus and that leave capacities installed in the establishments.

Applications will be extended between October 26 and November 25, through a form available at  In case of doubts about the application process, schools can contact the FIE team at [email protected].