More than 180 technical-professional schools in Chile applied for the FIE 2022 Strengthening Educational Initiatives, a $500 million competitive fund that aims to promote access to higher education for young people in technical-professional secondary education.
The FIE is one of the pillars of MueveTP, a national initiative that seeks to promote the continuity of studies of young people who graduate from technical-professional secondary education, in order to expand their development opportunities and improve their life expectations, as well as those of their families.
Vocational guidance, development of socio-emotional and 21st century skills, learning leveling and development of general competencies, recognition of prior learning (RAP) and internships and/or certifications are the types of projects that may be implemented by the schools benefiting from the FIE 2022. The selected initiatives belong to educational establishments in 12 regions of Chile.
The executive director of MueveTP, María Fernanda Orellana, explains that “each of the projects will receive funding ranging between $15 and $25 million pesos, which will benefit a total enrollment of close to 7 thousand students. It is a great opportunity for the schools to use these resources and leave permanent capacities in the schools, so that access to higher education becomes part of the DNA of the educational communities”.
50 schools have benefited from the FIE 2022. Of the total number of winners, 41 projects correspond to collective initiatives, that is, projects submitted by two or three schools. On the other hand, 9 of the winners correspond to individual initiatives, submitted by a single school.
One of the main characteristics of the FIE is that the initiatives submitted are designed and developed by each educational community as a whole and respond to the specific needs of each educational establishment.
The FIE 2022 will begin its implementation next March and the execution of the resources will be for one year, to benefit students who are about to graduate from secondary technical and professional education.
Establishments benefiting from FIE 2022:
- Centro Educacional Mirador (Metropolitana)
- Liceo Municipal Purkuyen (Metropolitana)
- Centro Educacional Municipal San Ramón (Metropolitana)
- Colegio Padre Damián (Los Ríos)
- Liceo Gabriela Mistral (Los Ríos)
- Instituto Comercial de Valdivia (Los Ríos)
- Liceo Metodista Robert Johnson (Tarapacá)
- Colegio Inglés (Tarapacá)
- Liceo Industrial Metodista de Coronel (Biobío)
- Liceo Intercultural Técnico Profesional Guacolda (La Araucanía)
- Complejo Educacional Andrés Antonio Gorbea (La Araucanía)
- Escuela Bilingüe Amul Kewun (La Araucanía)
- Liceo Municipal Barros Arana (La Araucanía)
- Liceo Politécnico de Aysén (Aysén)
- Liceo Agrícola y Forestal Suizo La Providencia (La Araucanía)
- Liceo James Mundell (La Araucanía)
- Liceo Mañihuales (Aysén)
- Lico República Argentina (Aysén)
- Liceo Politécnico Luis Cruz Martínez (Magallanes)
- Liceo Chiguayante (Biobío)
- Colegio Jorge Huneeus Zegers (Metropolitana)
- Escuela Industrial Las Nieves (Metropolitana)
- Escuela Técnica Las Nieves (Metropolitana)
- Liceo María Auxiliadora (Maule)
- Liceo Guillermo Marín Larraín (Maule)
- Colegio Polivalente Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez (Metropolitana)
- Politécnico Alemán Albert Einstein (Metropolitana)
- Colegio Particular Padre José Kentenich (Metropolitana)
- Instituto Comercial Barros Arana (Metropolitana)
- Instituto Técnico Superior Constitución (Maule)
- Liceo San Esteban (Maule)
- Liceo Ignacio Carrera Pinto (Los Lagos)
- Colegio Polivalente San Luis Beltrán (Metropolitana)
- Colegio Enrique Alvear de Cerro Navia (Metropolitana)
- Liceo Técnico Profesional People Help People de Panguipulli (Los Ríos)
- Centro de Educación Técnico Profesional Codeduc (Metropolitana)
- Colegio Bernardo Felmer Niklitschek (Los Ríos)
- Instituto Profesional Llifén (Los Ríos)
- Centro Politécnico Carlos Condell (La Cisterna)
- Liceo Alberto Gallardo Lorca (Coquimbo)
- Liceo Berta Zamorano Lizana (O’Higgins)
- Liceo Agrícola de Ovalle Tadeo Perry Barn (Coquimbo)
- Liceo Industrial Ingeniero Ricardo Fenner R (Los Ríos)
- Liceo Polivalente Experimental Lucila Godoy Alcayaga (Biobío)
- Liceo Lorenzo Arenas Olivo (Biobío)
- Liceo San Juan Bautista de Hualqui (Biobío)
- Liceo Particular Luis Alberto Vera (Coquimbo)
- Liceo Politécnico Pablo Rodríguez Caviedes (Coquimbo)
- Liceo Nicolás Federico Lohse Vargas (Coquimbo)
*All initiatives that applied to FIE 2022, whether selected or not, were notified via e-mail to the project manager.