In response to the catastrophe caused by the forest fires in the central-southern part of the country, the Luksic Family will finance the deployment of the Aero Tanker, one of the most versatile aircraft of its kind, to operate in Chile for a month.
This MD-87 aircraft has the capacity to load 11,300 liters of fire retardant and will operate in conjunction with the Ten Tanker, an aircraft contracted by the Chilean Government, which has been operating in the regions of Ñuble, Bío Bío, and La Araucanía since last Monday.
The Luksic Family made arrangements for the Aero Tanker to arrive in Chile this week to fight the fires. The plane will take off from Oregon in the United States this Thursday, February 9th, and is expected to land in the country this Saturday and will remain operational for a minimum of 28 days.
“We hope that this plane, together with the efforts of the government and other private companies, will be an important contribution to put an end to the fires that have unfortunately affected so many people in our country. We will continue to work, as always, with these and other initiatives, to support Chile and get through this emergency,” said Paola Luksic, President of The Luksic Foundation.
Committed to Chile, the Luksic Family is working through its different organizations to aid in this emergency. Via The Luksic Foundation, the family is focusing on aiding entrepreneurs, educational communities and athletes in the affected areas, while, Fundación Te Apoyamos is responding to both individual requests and needs from the municipalities.
In January 2017, the Luksic Family, alongside other private organizations and businesses, also financed a week’s use of the aircraft The Supertanker to combat the fires that were affecting the regions of O’Higgins, Maule, and Biobío.