Luksic Foundation commits funding for the operation of the Antofagasta Institute in Teletón 2023

10 •  november •  2023

“Through a video from the Antofagasta Center, Isabella Luksic announced the contribution, which amounts to 2 million dollars. The Luksic family has been financing the construction of the institute since 2014, representing an investment of 15 million dollars.

More than 32,000 children and young people have been attended to in various Teletón institutes across Chile in recent months. This Friday, November 11, marked the beginning of a new edition of Teletón, and once again, the Luksic family joined this solidarity campaign that unites the Chilean people.

“Currently, more than 1,100 active patients are being treated at the Teletón Institute in Antofagasta, a center that was committed in 2014 and opened its doors to families from the region and other northern areas of our country since 2020,” said Isabella Luksic, CEO of the Luksic Foundation, in a video from the Antofagasta Institute, whose construction represented an investment of 15 million dollars, financed by the Luksic family.

“We are proud to have contributed to the construction of this building and its operation in recent years. Our heart is in Antofagasta, and we appreciate being able to be part of this great work,” Isabella Luksic continued, announcing, “Once again, we want to be present in this noble crusade: for the third year, we commit to financing the operation of the Teletón Institute in Antofagasta, a space with state-of-the-art technology and modern equipment that we hope everyone who knows it can make their own.”

Don Francisco emphasized that the donation for the construction of the Institute has been the largest philanthropic contribution made to Teletón and specified that for 2023, the Luksic family has committed 2 million dollars for the operation of the Center in Antofagasta.

The Teletón Institute in Antofagasta opened its doors in 2020, allowing it to serve twice as many patients. This new center has 3,000 square meters and features cutting-edge technology in rehabilitation processes, such as multisensory rooms and a therapeutic pool. The building also includes an inclusive park, sports courts, and an auditorium.”