The call for the Colabora program, developed by the Luksic Foundation through its Territorial Linkage area, will be open until May 31. The initiative seeks to contribute to strengthening the social capital of the community of Calle Larga, in the Valparaíso Region, and to promote the work of social organizations by supporting local initiatives with a direct impact on the community.
In addition, Colabora aims to generate spaces and instances of collaboration and co-creation, through the participation of different social organizations in the commune, enhancing coordination between actors to improve their quality of life.
The competitive fund, in its first version, will finance a maximum of 10 projects, where between $1 and $2 million will be distributed to each initiative, whose objective is to contribute to the development of the commune of Calle Larga, in the Valparaíso Region.
“We are convinced that the joint work between the community, the public sector and the private sector is fundamental for the development of the territories and the well-being of the neighbors. This is why we created the Colabora program, which will provide the selected projects with funding of between one and two million pesos to implement initiatives in different areas, such as education, public spaces, and culture, among others,” explains Constanza Fernández, director of the Territorial Linkage area of the Luksic Foundation.
Types of initiatives and requirements
The Colabora program is open to non-profit functional or territorial social organizations with legal status in force and belonging to the commune of Calle Larga. Likewise, natural persons over 18 years of age who have a project developed at least one year ago and who wish to expand and/or strengthen such initiative may apply.
In addition, with the objective of supporting initiatives throughout the commune, a maximum of two projects will be funded for each census district, one for its urban sector and one for its rural sector. The districts are: Tabolango, Patagual, Pocuro, San Vicente and El Guindal.
These projects must be framed in one of the following areas: human and social capital; culture and education; public spaces and environment; security; or healthy life and sports.
“To apply it is also necessary to attend a workshop for project formulation, which will be held on Thursday, May 19 in the auditorium of the Pascual Baburizza Agricultural Institute. There will be two alternative schedules: 15:00 or 18:30 hours”, emphasizes the director of the Territorial Linking area of the Luksic Foundation.
For more information, interested parties can write to Richard Rambach, Territorial Manager, at [email protected] or contact +56 9 6209 3432.
Form for organizations:
Form for natural person :