“In schools, one receives a lot of support and learns a great deal about values and moving forward. They teach us about camaraderie, friendship, and discipline, and the training helps us become better individuals.” These are some testimonies from young people who have participated in the hockey and soccer sports schools of the Luksic Foundation, which, starting this week, opens applications for the 2024 training sessions.
This year, there will be 13 soccer schools and 7 hockey schools in the following municipalities:
Soccer schools: Antofagasta, Lo Prado, Renca, Independencia, Estación Central, Peñalolén, La Florida, El Bosque, La Pintana, and Puente Alto.
Hockey schools: Antofagasta, La Pintana, Peñalolén, La Florida, Estación Central, Lo Prado, and Independencia.
To participate, boys and/or girls must be between 7 and 13 years old. The application, which must be completed by the legal guardian or responsible tutor of the minor, will be done through the following online web form, available during January and February on the fundacionluksic.cl website.
The free training sessions will commence on March 11, and the schedules for the different schools will be communicated through the Foundation’s Sports team once the application process is completed. It is worth noting that all training sessions will take place after school hours.
“We are very excited and pleased to return to the field and resume training. Last year, over 1,000 boys and girls participated in the hockey and soccer schools, and this 2024, we hope to have many more. We want to continue supporting the children and their families by providing a safe space for physical activity and their personal and group development,” said Rosario Donoso, director of the Sports area at the Luksic Foundation.
Through the schools, the goal is to promote not only a healthy lifestyle but also the development of socio-emotional skills for children, youth, as well as their guardians and families. Throughout the year, they will have the opportunity to participate in talks and workshops on Positive Parenting to support them in their formative process.
For more information or inquiries about the process, interested parties can send an email to [email protected].”