During these days, more than three million students from all over Chile are returning to classes after the holidays. However, for hundreds of children and adolescents from the communities affected by the devastating fires that affected the Valparaíso Region, this start of the school year has been very different from others.
After this emergency, the importance of students returning to classes is even greater, so they can resume a routine, continue their learning, and have spaces for socio-emotional support. It is in this context that Fundación Luksic and Fundación MC began the delivery of more than 1,000 back-to-school kits for students from preschool to high school in 33 establishments in the area.
According to the needs of the students, these foundations have defined that from preschool to seventh grade, the kits will include socio-emotional material, a backpack, a thermal water bottle, recreational games, school supplies, and a $100,000 gift card for various expenses.
Regarding students from eighth to twelfth grade, the support consists of a notebook, mouse, mousepad, a backpack, a $100,000 gift card, as well as socio-emotional support material for young people. The latter was developed by the Education area of Fundación Luksic and addresses how to face moments of crisis through emotions and also provides different guidelines for emotional containment of families and educational communities.
“The fire has been extinguished but the emergency continues, and that is why from Fundación Luksic, we have been on the ground to coordinate different contributions to affected families. Today, we wanted to be present because our heart and purpose are focused on education, and we hope that the over 1,000 kits will help students, children, and young people return to classes with hope despite the adversities. We hope that with this support, they can continue their formative path, study, learn, and dream big,” said Isabella Luksic, general manager of Fundación Luksic.
For her part, Alejandra Grebe, executive director of Fundación MC, highlighted the importance of this collaboration to provide practical and necessary support to students affected by the fires. “These kits not only provide materials that will support students’ return to school but also represent a message of support and solidarity for the affected families and communities, reaffirming our commitment to the well-being and integral development of the children and young people of Chile.
On Monday, March 11, the distribution of the kits began, which will be distributed to students throughout the month, considering the particular situations of the affected families in Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Villa Alemana, and Quilpué. The management of this donation was coordinated with the Ministry of Education, in order to define the main needs.
“We greatly appreciate the contribution made by Fundación Luksic and Fundación MC, through this public-private partnership with us as the Ministry of Education, especially when we face the country’s cause, which is Educational Reactivation, where initiatives like these contribute to supporting the educational processes of children and young people, so that none are left behind, much less due to an emergency like this,” commented Alejandra Arratia, Undersecretary of Education, regarding the donation.