29 •  diciembre •  2023

Through four sessions held during December, the education professionals participating in the “Redes Educativas para la Mejora de Aprendizajes” (REMA) were able to share experiences about what they learned this year, learn strategies to promote socio-emotional development, and engage in activities to promote teacher well-being.

Collaboration, enthusiasm, and commitment were the elements that characterized the REMA Learning Sessions. In two meetings, each lasting two days, over 280 education professionals from technical and professional high schools from the regions of Coquimbo, Metropolitana, Maule, O’Higgins, and Valparaíso gathered in person to celebrate and share the learnings acquired during this year in the “Redes Educativas para la Mejora de Aprendizajes” (REMA), an initiative promoted by Fundación Luksic.

The program was created in 2020, and currently, there are already three generations, meaning three networks, that are part of REMA. The main objective of this initiative is to improve the Language and Mathematics learning of first and second-year high school students in technical and professional schools and thus, enhance their educational trajectories.

To achieve this goal, education professionals from each establishment belonging to the NETWORK are accompanied by a multidisciplinary team that encourages them to improve interactions between teachers and students, enhance socio-emotional skills, and strengthen their leadership abilities.

In early December, over 100 teachers and directors from REMA 1 celebrated successfully completing the program after three years of collaborative work. During the following weeks, the participating establishments from the other two networks celebrated their Learning Sessions, instances that are part of the REMA methodology and seek to promote collaborative work among participants so that they can share the learnings acquired during the year, learn socio-emotional development strategies, and develop activities focused on teacher well-being.

“These two years in the program have been constant growth, professional development. But also, a bonding among all of us as a pedagogical team, where we have valued collaborative work, acquired new tools, and opened a very valuable space for reflection and communication,” highlighted Francisca Castro, from the Carmen Rodríguez Henríquez High School in Tongoy, and participant of REMA 2.

Mario González, a mathematics teacher at the Clotario Blest Riffo Technical High School in the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda and participant of REMA 3, noted that “the learning sessions have been very good experiences, very enjoyable, motivating, and full of new ideas to take and apply in schools. What I value most about these meetings is being able to work with colleagues from other high schools, especially in my area, where we can share good practices that enrich and help us grow as teachers.”

During the meetings, teachers had the opportunity to reflect on and implement tools designed to strengthen the quality of interactions in the classroom, covering socio-emotional, pedagogical, and organizational dimensions.

Additionally, the event featured the participation of the team from the UC Center for Educational Transformation CENTRE, who presented the CLASS tool, as well as Impulso Docente, who delved into socio-emotional development, well-being, and self-care strategies.

Next year, both networks will continue working together to improve student learning and thus enhance their life trajectories.