Redes Educativas para la Mejora de los Aprendizajes: Liceos de Curicó y Quirihue comparten experiencias de trabajo colaborativo para promover aprendizajes integrales

12 •  dic •  2023

• During the seminar “Educational Transformation in Action; Experiences of Collaboration for Improvement in Teaching and Learning,” organized by Centre UC, the importance of collaborative and networked work was discussed to promote comprehensive learning in students from early childhood, primary, and secondary education. The relevance of socio-emotional well-being in teaching and management teams was emphasized to strengthen pedagogical practices and the relationship between teachers and students.

With the participation of the rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Ignacio Sánchez, and the presence of the acting national director of the Directorate of Public Education, Rodrigo Egaña, the seminar “Educational Transformation in Action: Experiences of Collaboration for Improvement in Teaching and Learning” was held.

During the event, the program “Redes Educativas para la Mejora de los Aprendizajes” (REMA) was presented. Its objective is to enhance the learning of students in I and II Medio, mainly in the subjects of Language and Mathematics, through collaborative work and continuous improvement in the classroom practices of technical and professional high school teachers.

The director of Education at Fundación Luksic, María Fernanda Orellana, explained that “the development of general skills is very relevant to build better life paths for young people. Promoting collaborative work, networking, and socio-emotional well-being in teaching and management teams is essential to achieve comprehensive learning in students and positive transformation processes in the classroom.”

Meanwhile, Sergio Aravena, the director of the Technological Liceo Nuevo Horizonte in Curicó, stated: “REMA has allowed us to build a professional learning community, which is aligned with the Framework for Good School Management and Leadership proposed by the Ministry of Education. It has helped us create baseline conditions to improve the learning of students at our high school, especially with strategies that promote our socio-emotional well-being as teachers and administrators of the institution.”

On her part, teacher Waleska Yañez, from the Carlos Montané Castro Liceo in Quirihue, affirmed: “With REMA, we not only gained a deeper understanding of collaborative work but also became as teachers agents of change. We are teachers leaving a mark, constantly transforming and improving our learning practices for the well-being and future of our students.”

Finally, the Director of Public Education, Rodrigo Egaña, expressed that it is important “to showcase the positive things that are happening, that there are fantastic experiences taking place in public education. Promoting collaboration among different stakeholders who want to contribute to education is essential to progress in quality and equity.”

During the event, the Gabriela Mistral Local Education Service also participated, presenting their collaboration experience “network of teachers from 1st and 2nd grade and preschool educators.”