Through Aspirations for the Future, an initiative we developed to learn about the expectations of young people and provide them with information on access to higher education, we asked more than 21 thousand PT students about the requirements to apply for free higher education, and only 4% were able to identify them correctly.
However, 73% of students say they want to enter higher education the year after graduating from high school, so we believe it is essential that, collaboratively, we develop more joint initiatives to support the continuity of studies with retention mechanisms for students from TP high schools who enter professional institutes, technical training centers and universities.
As MueveTP, a national initiative promoted by the Luksic Foundation, we convened the country’s 931 vocational technical schools and made available a website ( so that young people can make informed decisions about access to higher education and can opt for better alternatives for their future.
We take advantage of this new anniversary of TP education to salute all school communities and highlight the importance of the daily effort made by students, teachers, directors, sponsors and families to improve the formation of this key link in our school system.
María Fernanda Orellana
Director of the Education Area of the Luksic Foundation